
Successful ‘’Acquaintance with the biomedical research in Greece’’organized by KIN.A.PS.I

With much interest the audience attended the event of the Movement of Siblings of Individuals with Mental Health Issues (KIN.A.PS.I) ‘’Acquaintance with the biomedical research in Greece’’ and watched the scientific theses presented on Thursday the 16th of May at the Biomedical Reseach Foundation of the Athens Academy (BRFAA).     

At the event, researchers from BRFAA and from University of Athens Hospitals  presented their views on, among others, the relationship between the brain and mental illness and explained the neurobiological basis of mental illnesses to the relatives of individuals with mental health issues

The event was held in the context of the European Month of the Brain, realized for May 2013 by the European Commission and the Irish Presidency under the auspices of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and the Hellenic Psychiatric Society.

About KIN.A.PS.I

The Movement of Siblings of Individuals with Mental Health Issues (ΚΙΝ.Α.PS.I), offers monthly group psychological support to siblings of individuals with mental health issues. The members promote the social and vocational rehabilitation of their siblings through Day Centers and Social Associations. They seek solutions from the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, better care at the Psychiatric Hospitals and the Healthcare Units. At the same time they promote public awareness and consciousness-raising in relation to Mental Health, while they aim at empowering and supporting the siblings through social networking actions, excursions, discussions. 

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Περιγράφουμε την πορεία ανακάλυψης στην οδό ψυχικής υγείας. Μιλάμε με ανθρώπους που συναντάμε καθοδόν και καταγράφουμε με ημερολογιακή διάταξη τις κινήσεις μας για την επίτευξη των σκοπών μας. Το γράψιμο έχει γίνει αφορμή να γνωρίσουμε ανθρώπους και να διατηρήσουμε μια δυναμική που μας φέρνει πιο κοντά.